NOBBChE Virtual Conference


Event Information



Friday, September 10, 2021



Virtual Event




As part of the NOBBChE Virtual Conference’s pre-conference agenda, explore opportunities to create a vision for your career make it happen. Join the full ACS-sponsored session from 1-4pm Eastern.

Promoting and Advocating for Your Career, presented by ACS on Campus (2-3pm Eastern)

Self-advocacy is defined as the act of representing yourself or your views and interests. Harmless enough, right? So why do many of us resist self-advocating? Professor Jen Heemstra writes in C&EN that there are two main causes for this resistance – personality and socialization. Personality differences mean some of us feel uncomfortable or inauthentic if we are in the spotlight. Socialization and social pressures also come into play, particularly with women in STEM, and in certain cultures. If you were taught to take the back seat in terms of recognition, then self-advocacy feels like you are doing something wrong. But you aren’t doing anything wrong!

Gain a strong understanding of advocacy, the benefits of self-advocacy, and actionable strategies for successfully advocating for your career.