XL Bienal de la RSEQ at Bilbao
Event Information
Monday, June 30, 2025
Bilbao Exhibition Centre
Azkue Kalea, 1, 48902 Barakaldo, Bizkaia, Spain
Get Results, Get Published, Get Ahead: Navigating Your Career with ACS on Campus
Join the American Chemical Society for an interactive workshop featuring expert advice on select topics that are key to career success: imposter syndrome and professional development, data management, scholarly publishing, and the latest tools you can leverage to drive research and innovation.
Featured Speakers

M. Rosa Palacín, Ph.D.
Associate Editor, Chemistry of Materials
Research Professor, Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC)
Rosa Palacín received her BS in Chemistry and PhD in Materials Science (UAB), she is currently a Research Professor at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB) belonging to CSIC, the Spanish National Research Council. Her career has been fully focused in solid state chemistry and electrochemistry applied to batteries, covering structure-property relationships and operando experiments to elucidate reaction mechanisms. Her research encompasses a wide diversity of technologies from commercial (e.g. Ni or Li-ion) or pre-commercial (Na-ion) concepts to new emerging chemistries, such as those based on Mg or Ca, being considered a pioneer in the latter. She has always placed emphasis on developing fertile cooperation scenarios between basic oriented research and industry, and often performed research under direct industrial contracts. She has published > 160 articles in peer reviewed journals, referenced over 15000 times (h-index: 48) and is included in the 2024 top 2 % scientist list of the Stanford University. She has authored invited reviews in both high impact and specialized journals covering standard or new redox concepts (aqueous and non-aqueous technologies) and also characterization techniques or degradation/failure mechanisms with those in Chem. Sci. (2023), Chem. Rev. (2020), Chem. Soc. Rev. (2009 and 2018), Science (2016), JACS (2015), JES (2015) and Adv. Mat. (2010) deserving special mention. She is co-inventor in 11 patents (7 of them jointly owned with industry) and PI of 4 National and 8 European competitive grants and 5 multi-annual industrially funded projects, always related to battery research. She served as an associate editor for Chemistry of Materials (ACS) between 2016 and 2024 and has had several editorial and institutional responsibilities. She was appointed (2010-2017) as scientific co-director of ALISTORE ERI virtual research Institute and is member of the International Battery Association Board since 2012, being also elected to the Governing Board of Batteries Europe ETIP (Future and Emerging Technologies) in 2019. In 2021 she was elected Fellow of the Electrochemical Society and received the Research Award from the International Battery Association for her contribution to energy storage and conversion research through the development of new materials and tecnologies and understanding of reaction mechanisms. She has also been awarded the Spanish-French Miguel Catalán – Paul Sabatier prize by the French Chemical Society, delivered in June 2023. She is member of the ”Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona” since 2023 and the “Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales” since 2024.

Luis Echegoyen, Ph.D.
2020 American Chemical Society President
Echegoyen has an extensive academic career that began at the University of Puerto Rico as a lecturer. Later he joined the University of Miami where he worked for 19 years. He is currently professor emeritus at the University of Texas, where he continues to collaborate in electrochemistry research. In 2020 he was elected president of the American Chemical Society. During his career, he has published more than 412 research papers and 47 book chapters. In addition, the scientist had the opportunity to work alongside the 1987 Nobel laureate in chemistry, Jean-Marie Lehn.

David Mecerreyes, Ph.D
Associate Editor, ACS Applied Polymer Materials
Ikerbasque research professor at the POLYMAT – University, Vice director of the Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering
David Mecerreyes is Ikerbasque research professor at the POLYMAT – University of the Basque Country, and vice director of the Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering, Spain. David Mecerreyes received his PhD in polymer chemistry by the University of Liege (Belgium) in 1998. After post-doctoral stays at IBM Almaden Research Center and Stanford University in California, he returned to Spain and joined CIDETEC for 10 years. Since 2011 he is full professor at POLYMAT, University of the Basque Country leading the Innovative polymer group. His group is an international research team with a broad expertise in polymer chemistry including polymeric ionic liquids, polymer electrolytes for energy and bioelectronics, and redox polymers. David Mecerreyes was awarded with an ERC consolidator grant named iPES “Innovative Polymers for Electrochemical Energy Storage” (2011). His research interest include the synthesis of innovative polymers for energy and bioelectronics, developing new redox polymers, poly(ionic liquid)s, iongels and ion conducting polymer electrolytes. David Mecerreyes is co-author of more than 290 scientific articles in high-impact journals in polymer chemistry (H-index 59 SCOPUS 06/2020)).

Isabel Pastoriza Santos, Ph.D.,
Associate Editor, ACS Applied Nano Materials
Isabel Pastoriza Santos is currently a Full Professor at CINBIO-Department of Physical Chemistry. Since 2012, she is the leader of the Functional NanoBiomaterials Group. Her current interest involves the synthesis, assembly and surface modification of nanoparticles with unique properties as well as development of (multi)functional nanostructured materials and tools with applicability in nanoplasmonics, (bio)sensing, catalysis and biomedicine.

Jhoan Toro-Mendoza, Ph.D.
Managing Editor I&ECR, ACS Applied Eng Mat., and ACS Applied Polymer Mat.
Dr. Toro-Mendoza is a physicist with 20 years of experience in the highly interdisciplinary field of soft matter science with more than 35 publications in journals such as ACS Nano, Langmuir, and JPC, among others. Jhoan earned his Ph.D. in Physics from the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research. His work aimed to understand droplet deformability as a critical factor affecting emulsion evolution. After his PhD, Jhoan was a postdoc at the University of New Mexico, USA, with Prof. Dimiter Petsev. There he developed a new strategy to predict film evolution during droplet coalescence. Returning to his homeland in Venezuela, Jhoan developed his independent research group, expanding his repertoire of research interests to microfluidic devices, microrheology of ionic colloidal systems, active droplets, Ostwald ripening, self-assembled carbon nanotubes at fluid interfaces, nanofilm dynamics, emulsion formation and understanding the granular behaviour of liquid dispersions. During this period, Jhoan supervised students at all levels from undergraduate to postdocs while serving as head of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Physics, a period that lasted more than six years. More recently, Jhoan worked with Prof. Luis Liz-Marzán at CIC biomaGUNE in Spain on protein-nanoparticle interactions and corona formation. Almost three years ago, Jhoan joined ACS Publications based in Oxford, UK.

Monica Azulay, MA
EMEA Account Manager, CAS
Monica joined the ACSI sales team based in Oxford in July 2014. Alongside her Regional Sales Manager reponsibilities in the EMEA region, Monica represents the ACS internationally, fostering the relationship between the ACS and their end-users, authors, customers and stakeholders. She is strongly committed to bringing the ACS closer to the scientific community outside the USA and she fully engages at every opportunity in outreach events such as ACS on Campus.